People’s Service

Good Governance: The Lifeblood

Shree A K Sharma IAS In People’s Service

Joined Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1988. After two years of training, I was allocated to Gujarat Cadre.

A common thread that binds my actions in regulatory and developmental administration at grass root as well as apex-policy level is that I have tried to improve existing systems, innovate and set-up new systems for Good Governance to help the poor, the needy, the weak and the distressed.

I am convinced that governance measures at all levels should be directed majorly for the common man. That’s the real test of administration. As Bashir Badra so eloquently puts: “ किताबें रिसाले न अख़़बार पढना,  मगर दिल को हर रात इक बार पढ़ना”

I have realized that listening to everyone not only satisfies stakeholders but adds to the domain knowledge and moral strength of the listener. Therefore, In 32 years of service, in all my assignments as an IAS officer, I tried relentlessly to be very accessible to public. This is core to my personality, and I have also realized its benefits.

Some Highlights of Local & District Level Work:

Progress through Process Re-engineering:

At State (Secretariat) level, there were two postings:

8 th October 2001 onwards:

I have always worked with the spirit of the motto of Allahabad University “Quot Rami Tot Arbores” which means that Each Branch should Become a Tree.

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